Saturday, January 2, 2021

January Post

It's the evening of January 2nd as I type this. It's been a strange week for us where one day sort of merged into the next and we lost track of time. I suppose that's a good thing because we spent so much quality time together, just the four of us.

Our weeks were extremely busy, with my job interviews and follow-up taking most of my time in December including the early part of Christmas week and this past week. I've learnt a lot through this process and have been working double shift, it feels like, since the hiring process is long drawn and multi stage in my field.

On the home front, we celebrated Christmas in a very low-key manner. We bought a tree just three days before Christmas and decorated it in the garden. The decorations remained up only for a few days since it was scheduled to rain. We have been enjoying the tree in our garden still, minus all the decorations (I kind of like it this way). We had gifts for the kids as well as each other. We didn't do any special meal or cookies or desserts and it was such a relief! But we ended up spending so much time together, playing, walks, relaxing and talking.

As usual, I don't really feel the need to mark the new year with a lot of lofty goals, and don't really believe that "2020 is over" really matters. For one, nothing really changed between Dec 31 and Jan 1 other than the calendar. And for another, most of the people ranting about how bad 2020 was with quarantine, were mostly inconvenienced and didn't experience irrecoverable loss or grief. I can't imagine people who experienced loss saying "thank goodness that terrible 2020 is behind us, happy 2021!" Because the loss remains, as does the gaping hole it leaves. 

But with all that said, I do understand the need to have hope. To feel like we're turning the symbolic page to new beginnings and plans. I don't think there's much of a difference between resolutions and goals but I think we all have things we want to try to change. 

I'm trying to do the 30 day yoga journey again this year. Let's see how it goes. There are a lot of things up in the air for us and I am working on them one at a time. I'll have to try to be more positive and less anxious through it all when I can. 

So here goes, this post was a bit of nothing really, but I felt like writing since it's been a while. January and the winter in general are really tough months for all of us, so I am going to go one step at a time and my next target is to get through the next week. There's even been a lull in music for me, I've been listening to the same old same old and so I have nothing new to add.

Looking for inspiration with music and books at the moment.

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