Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March Madness

It's already March and we are starting to see signs of spring with the flowers in full bloom in our area. I haven't been posting to the blog because I was traveling last month, and also because I started posting to a separate WordPress family site in the past month.

I did want to come back and write here, because it's mostly anonymous and I can express myself as much as I want to here. I find that writing to this blog is therapeutic in a way. I also continue to journal, but this is more of a gratitude log which I have wanted to maintain.

So, how have I been these past few weeks? It's been a whirlwind of events, ups and downs and a lot of balls in the air. Our travel was difficult to plan and manage but it ended up great. All of us had a blast and we spent a lot of quality time with our friends and family. My husband has had a rough go these past few weeks with a health scare. I think (and hope) he will feel better soon since some of his tests came back normal. We are so relieved with this that it's all we think about and we cannot really process much else yet.

My dairy-free journey continues. When we were in India, I met a few relatives who turned vegan and it was nice to share stories. I think I am heading towards a largely vegan diet and that will help me feel my best. However, I don't want to change too much too soon, since I am losing weight at the moment and want to make sure I am getting enough protein and calories. However, I know that any little bit helps when it comes to animal welfare, and I will continue to be aware when it comes to my diet.

My time in India was spent in family visits, coordinating among the various people we had to meet and planning my stay there, taking care of the children of course, and a few trips to the tailor to alter my clothes.

Now that we are back, we are settling in and cautiously planning our spring activities. I am not sure how much we will get to do and what we will want to do with the virus spread in our area. I am someone who believes in quarantines as much as possible and in following all precautions, so that is what we will do and hope we can stay healthy and that the outbreak is over soon. Aside from the news about the coronavirus, there is more turbulence in the world around us. Stock prices and worries about the economy as well the election are all taking up prime space on news headlines and are on all of our minds. Our work is also going through many organizational changes, adding to the air of uncertainty around us.

My next goal is to get organized in the home and focused at work and continue on my two tracks - work on my health with yoga, exercise and diet, and on my career with network programmability and self-expression to come out as a leader. I did get started a bit with Instagram for the latter goal. But it takes up so much time, and I feel as if I am just continually getting side-tracked and not accomplishing anything of consequence through it all. I have tons of lofty goals, and on most days it seems like I just get through the motions with my family. I feel like I want to start achieving more, but I am physically and mentally still not in a position to do so. I just feel very scattered. Hopefully, I can wade through the March madness and find my center again and get back on course.

Silhouettes and shadows
Watch the revolution
No more free steps to heaven
It's no game

It's No Game - David Bowie

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