Monday, October 7, 2019

A week ahead in the game.

A big congratulations to myself for completing a week of being dairy-free! Today marks the start of week two of me being dairy-free. I think that this journey is multi-pronged for me. I am using it to first work on my physical health and fitness. I have spent a bit of time reading about its benefits. I am also working on this for my mental health, energy and confidence with the idea that you can only do better when you feel better, starting a positive chain reaction. And thirdly (this probably ties in to mental health too), I am ethically conflicted about the dairy industry.

Reading about dairy farms and how handle the cows, forcing them to lactate and then tearing them away from their newborn calves does not sit well with me. I have learnt about how the cows’ lifespan often is cut short and they are raised in in confined quarters. The poor young calves that the milk is specifically for are torn away from their mothers for our selfish use. I know that there are various levels of humane methods to raise cows. But I am not sure how we can justify our continued abuse of them. There is also all the hormone treatment that makes it into our milk to think about. However, I am not sure if I will be able to remain dairy-free or if I will give in to its temptation. I might also later conclude with new research that its nutrients are beneficial after all in the long term. Coming out as ethically against dairy farming while resuming my consumption of dairy would make me very hypocritical. So I will choose to remain ethically aware but base my reasons for being dairy free primarily on my health for the time being.

Since beginning my own breastfeeding journey, I feel strongly about the idea that cows milk is meant for cows and not for us, and want to continue extended breastfeeding to benefit my son and to cut down on our dairy consumption at the same time.

So, one week down and a few more to go. I read that any new practice becomes habit after three weeks of consistently doing it. I hope I can retain my resolve. The coming week will be challenging since we are planning a road trip. I will have to make sure to choose well on all restaurant menus or to state my dietary preferences.

The other practice I am eagerly looking to try is that of gratitude. I want to learn to give thanks for all things both big and small and to change my perspective, outlook and personality accordingly. There is also the ulterior motive that doing this brings more positive influences into our lives, but even if this is not true, the feel-good benefit is a good thing to have. I hope that all of the things I am working on are positive actions and have a good impact on us.

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